Amazonite is a beautiful teal and white stone originating from Russia, Norway and Madagascar and can even be found in the USA. The chemical formula of this stone is KAISi3 O8 Potassium aluminum silicate. This wondrous stone is jam-packed with metaphysical properties ranging from, allowing heartfelt communication, aiding in setting boundaries and  assisting in the release of grief in the physical and emotional bodies, to balancing ones ranging personalities and perspectives and eliminating aggression and providing pacification. Amazonite is an amazing stone for relationships being that it allows those who own it to communicate and express their emotions freely and truthfully and allows for a great sense of vulnerability and intimacy between partners. With no surprise Amazonite rules over the heart and throat chakras and its zodiac sign is Virgo. An affirmation you can say to program your Amazonite is " I speak and live my truth always and authentically "

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