OPAL - October Stone of the month

This other worldly beauty deriving from Silicon Dioxide and water, is the birthstone of October. So all you Lucky Libras and Spicy Scorpios truly are favored by the powers that be. Opal not to be confused with Opalite, a lab-grown stone that replicates the iridescent glow of Opal and carries some of the same properties as its elder sister stone like helping you shift energetically to more prosperous endeavors, encouraging feelings of passion and empowerment, and assisting in mood stabilization and mental clarity. Opal is known greatest for its eye-catching rainbow reflects, so bountiful that you can deeply ( and with no shame ) get lost in them. Here at Enchanted Accessories we absolutely love Opal for its metaphysical properties of, supporting peaceful and prophetic dreams, its connection to all 7 chakras, ability to connect to past lives and heal traumas from them, the balancing of ; chi energy, sensuality, and kundalini energy, Its excellent fertility activation in men and women and its aptitude for strengthening and furthering your spiritual journey. Opal is native to Australia, Mexico, the USA, and Ethiopia for the rarest and most dangerous to obtain Welo Opal. All 7 chakras can connect Opal as stated before and it works best for the zodiac signs of Cancer, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Leo. To store this stone you can leave it out in the open or you can store it in water or mineral oil to really enhance the beautiful rainbows inside.